Inspiración para convertirse en su yo más sano
13 de enero de 2025
5 consejos para sacar el máximo partido a su 2025 Coaching
“Proper planning promotes positive performance.” No doubt you’ve heard at least something similar to that at one time or another. And for the most part, we do it quite well — most often, for everyone and everything around us except ourselves. When it comes to a successful personal coaching journey,… Seguir leyendo
30 de mayo de 2024
¿Te sientes agotado? Prueba una de estas 4 cosas
Feelings of burnout can happen to anyone. Our jobs, relationships, and other responsibilities can make it difficult to find time for self-care, which can lead to feelings of apathy. Fortunately, there are simple ways you… Seguir leyendo
14 de septiembre de 2022
Cómo Nithya creó una práctica de bienestar diario en TaskHuman
¿Tienes algún hábito saludable del que te responsabilizas? Tal vez sea ese batido verde por la mañana. Puede que sea dar un paso cada día. O puede significar... Seguir leyendo
29 de abril de 2022
Encuentra la quietud en movimiento con los entrenadores de Tai Chi Kartikey y Sylvia
Los entrenadores de TaskHuman, Kartikey Shukla y Sylvia Das, hablaron de cómo la práctica del Tai Chi les unió más y les animó a hacer un cambio importante en su forma de llevar la vida dejando... Seguir leyendo
23 de febrero de 2022
Ruby Diamante ayuda a los usuarios a sanar a través del Reiki
Ruby Diamante quiere que entiendas que el Reiki es una especie de técnica japonesa de relajación y reducción del estrés, pero también es más que eso. El Reiki puede ayudarte a aprovechar tu Energía Divina, que puede... Seguir leyendo
enero 14, 2022
Brendan Nash-Beresford Gets Grounded with TaskHuman
Life and business can mirror each other with ebbs and flows of busyness, where we run in circles, moving from one thing to the next without really being present. And while feeling busy isn’t inherently… Seguir leyendo
diciembre 16, 2021
Aya Miklos’ Near-death Experience Renewed Her Reason for Living
Aya Miklos loved her first career in fashion—until she almost died. It gave her opportunities to rub shoulders with “beautiful people” and live a life that was Instagram perfect. But that life was halted when… Seguir leyendo
mayo 3, 2021
TaskHuman Coach, Angeline Ng, Shares Her “Heart Journey”
In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll and Angeline Ng discuss how being grounded can be the first step toward wellness in any situation. A core belief for Angeline, a yoga coach on the… Seguir leyendo
abril 22, 2021
Rob Gets His Groove Back with TaskHuman
For many, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted how people approached health and fitness. For TaskHuman user, Rob, it meant pivoting how he maintained his workout routine. So when his company, Advantage Performance Group (APG), decided to… Seguir leyendo
febrero 19, 2021
The Best Ways to Incorporate Wellness Into Your Day
Consistent wellness practices are important to our overall health. When we establish wellness routines or goals, we learn to make choices that keep our body, mind, and spirit as healthy as possible. Creating a wellness… Seguir leyendo
junio 23, 2020
How TaskHuman Helped Ben Strengthen His Meditation Journey
It’s no secret that having a meditation practice is beneficial. From stress reduction to craving abatement, meditation has a powerful positive effect on its participants. Ben wanted to use the power of meditation in his… Seguir leyendo