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20 de diciembre de 2022 Lectura en 3 minutos

Supercharge Your Growth Experience: Set a Goal

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You’ve probably had the experience of setting a goal for yourself in order to accomplish a task. Maybe it was an activity goal – the number of steps you took in a day; or being able to check an item off your to-do list. Setting a goal creates motivation and behavior to accomplish the goal. Setting goals is also a way to be accountable for action, whether it’s for yourself or for others. 

Well, the same logic applies to leadership development. Researchers in goal-setting theory show that goals not only affect behavior as well as job performance, but they also help mobilize energy which leads to a higher effort overall. One study found that over 90% of the time, goals that were specific and challenging, but not overly challenging, led to higher performance when compared to easy goals or goals that were too generic. *

* Reference "Toward a Theory of Task Motivation” Edward Locke, 1968

We want you to have higher performance as a result of participating in this guided coaching journey and that’s why we are asking you to take a minute to reflect on your goals. To make it easy, consider these common motivators in the leadership space. One or more of these may resonate with you.

“Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.” Anónimo

My goal is to:
  • Grow my skills and capabilities needed to excel in my current role.
  • Develop strategies that allow me to lead effectively, with less impact on my personal life.
  • Cultivate the behaviors I need to prepare me to take on more responsibility.
  • Grow my ability to develop the people on my team more effectively.
  • Expand my ability to create impact and to be an agent of change in my organization.

At the end of the journey we will check in with you again to see if you’ve met your goal.  

Your next step will be to meet with one of the certified TaskHuman coaches about your goals. Why? Because coaching is known to make a difference. A coach offers guidance and support, to clarify your thinking, probe for deeper meaning, prioritize, add realism, and drive commitment. According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), coaching helps increase productivity, improve relationships as well as work-life balance. ** 

**Source: 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study

Take time now to select a coach from those shown below and schedule a 1:1 conversation about your goals. Simply click on the button below to be taken to see their availability.


Book Coach Ron (Americas Region)


Book Coach Branislava (EMEA Region)


Book Coach Elaine (APAC Region)

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