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21 de mayo de 2024

PlanSource anuncia un nuevo módulo de nómina retroactiva en la versión del producto de primavera de 2024

Orlando, Florida - 21 de mayo de 2024 - PlanSource, proveedor líder de tecnología de administración de beneficios basada en la nube, anunció hoy el lanzamiento de su versión de productos Primavera 2024. Disponible el 11 de mayo para todos los clientes y socios de PlanSource,... Seguir leyendo

8 de febrero de 2024


Today, 52% of employees report feeling burned out, and businesses face significant losses over it, with over 80 million hours lost annually due to stress-related absences. This highlights the urgency for innovative solutions in addressing… Seguir leyendo

Interfaz de usuario de la Plataforma TaskHuman en un portátil y un teléfono

18 de octubre de 2023

Lanzamiento Beta: TaskHuman Desktop Access desvelado para clientes de acceso anticipado

Find, call, and instantly connect with a global network of coaches in over 1,200 skills on any device PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TaskHuman, the globally acclaimed 1:1 global digital coaching platform,… Seguir leyendo

12 de mayo de 2023

Boletín The Broadsheet: Movers & Shakers

Good morning, Broadsheet readers! Man Group has appointed its first female CEO, a European bureaucrat is turning into an internet meme, and Elon Musk says he’s picked a female CEO for Twitter—but won’t say who. Seguir leyendo

12 de mayo de 2023

Cómo y por qué empleados y empresarios están adoptando el modelo de la economía colaborativa

If the Great Resignation, Great Reevaluation, and quiet quitting workplace trends have taught us anything, it’s that today’s workers need (and demand) flexibility. By Ravi Swaminathan | May 12, 2023 at 09:38 AMThere was a… Seguir leyendo

12 de mayo de 2023

Las personas primero: Priorizar la felicidad de los empleados con presupuestos de RRHH ajustados

Ravi Swaminathan is a co-founder and the CEO of TaskHuman, a real-time digital coaching platform. Employee engagement—and assessing it, tracking it and boosting it—is a critical aspect of any people-first culture. In fact, company leaders can… Seguir leyendo

2 de mayo de 2023

Cómo el apoyo proactivo aumenta el compromiso de los empleados

For more than two years, employees have slowly — and sometimes reluctantly — returned to their workplaces. Leaders have been trying to instill a sense of normalcy within their organizations, even as team members grapple… Seguir leyendo

2 de mayo de 2023

Startups emergentes 2023: Las principales startups tecnológicas de fitness y bienestar

  The Fitness & Wellness Tech has over 16.7K+ startups that comprise of companies engaged in consumers maintain their physical and mental well-being. These companies includes B2C Solutions those are wearable devices which are used… Seguir leyendo

Encouraging employees to use PTO-video-call-happy-businessman-sitting-on-bench

abril 26, 2023

TaskHuman Launches Native Integration With Microsoft Teams, Streamlining User Connections

Digital coaching platform TaskHuman announced a new integration with Microsoft Teams that it says will provide a seamless user experience for users seeking both professional and personal coaching. The company said users will be able… Seguir leyendo

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