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junio 25, 2024

Sustainable Performance

sustainable performance

Desired Program Outcome:

Participants will develop practical skills and personal habits that increase effectiveness while preventing burnout.

Program Objectives:

By the end of the coaching program, participants will be able to increase performance while preventing burnout, cultivate habits that promote your well-being, explore painless productivity hacks, communicate clearly and consistently, leverage strengths to increase productivity & well-being, and build relationships to maintain your well-being.

Program Audience:

This Program is designed for the the following persona(s):

  • Individual Contributors
  • Managers

Program Overview:

With effective strategies, work can become more productive and less stressful. Developing a workplace well-being strategy can safeguard energy and prevent burnout, improve relationships, and foster positive thinking. In this journey, participants will explore how to lead teams, live fulfilling lives, and establish sustainable habits for peak performance. Topics covered include energy management and recognizing burnout signs.

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