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noviembre 8, 2024

Solving Complex Problems

Solving Complex Problems

Desired Program Outcome:

Participants will effectively solve complex problems that continuously improve outcomes and processes within their teams and the organization.

Program Objectives:

By the end of the program, participants will: Accurately diagnose the root causes of complex issues and develop actionable solutions. Utilize data and analytics to inform decision-making and manage risks effectively. Cultivate a mindset of innovation and continuous improvement.

Program Audience:

This Program is designed for the the following persona(s):

  • Managers

Program Overview:

Identifying and solving complex problems is an essential skill for managers, particularly during times of uncertainty. This program will equip you with the essential skills to navigate and resolve challenges in the workplace. Through 1:1 coaching and practical exercises, you will learn to identify root causes of issues, use data in decision-making, and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. This program will empower you to handle uncertainty with confidence while achieving successful outcomes.

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