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junio 25, 2024

Leader Essentials

Mujer practicando auténticas lecciones de liderazgo con su equipo

Desired Program Outcome:

Participants will develop the skills needed to make a successful transition to a management position. 

Program Objectives:

By the end of the coaching program, participants will learn and be able to apply fundamental skills to effectively lead their teams. This will be achieved through consistent participation in 1:1 coaching sessions and application of learned skills in real-time in the workplace, resulting in demonstrated improvement in confidence and competence in survey results. 

Program Audience:

This Program is designed for the the following persona(s):

  • Managers

Program Overview:

The transition from individual contributor to manager can be a challenging one. Shifting mindsets, increased operational oversight, and additional responsibilities are some of the changes that require new managers to learn and grow. In this program, new managers will be given the skills and support they need to successfully move into their new role. 

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