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sales essentials

octubre 17, 2024

Sales Essentials

Desired Program Outcome: By completing the Sales Essentials program, participants will gain a strong foundation in the core principles of sales. They will develop the confidence and skills to effectively engage clients, identify needs, and… Seguir leyendo

Know your customer

junio 25, 2024

Conozca a su cliente

Desired Program Outcome: Participants will learn the skills needed to understand buyer motivations and demonstrate a deep understanding of customer needs, resulting in improved sales performance.  Program Objectives: By the end of the coaching program,… Seguir leyendo

Ventas Next Level

junio 25, 2024

Ventas Next Level

Desired Program Outcome: Participants will develop skills that transform them  from transactional sales people to trusted advisors.  Program Objectives: By the end of the coaching program, participants will be able to apply advanced sales skills… Seguir leyendo


junio 25, 2024

Rampa hacia la productividad

Desired Program Outcome: Participants will use best in class techniques to generate pipeline, engage customers and build sales muscle to hit ramp targets and succeed in their roles. Program Objectives: By the end of this… Seguir leyendo

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