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junio 23, 2020

How TaskHuman Helped Ben Strengthen His Meditation Journey


It’s no secret that having a meditation practice is beneficial. From stress reduction to craving abatement, meditation has a powerful positive effect on its participants.

Ben wanted to use the power of meditation in his own life, but he struggled to keep up with the practice on his own (like so many others!). He knew he needed someone to guide him and started looking for a way to incorporate it into his busy life.

That’s When He Found TaskHuman.

After Ben downloaded the app and began exploring, he quickly realized that the app made finding potential providers easy. He was able to scroll through the many meditation coaches and narrow down to the ones he thought would be a good fit—based on their profiles in the app and in-app message exchanges.

His next step was to use the app to have live video conversations with the providers that caught his eye, and determine if they were a good fit for him.

It was the ability to speak with, and learn about, the providers before committing that helped Ben choose TaskHuman for the long haul.

After a few 1:1 live consultation calls, Ben was confident that he found his perfect meditation partner—Coach Jamie Carroll.

The Beginning

At first, Ben recognized he needed Coach Jamie’s support more than once a week to get his practice started.

“Meditation is something, a practice, that I have been trying to get better at,” Ben says. “Maybe the first couple of weeks I was doing it every couple of days or so. Then it started going to once a week. And talking to somebody about meditation and just getting into a habit of meditation and just being more comfortable with that is what I’ve been using TaskHuman for, and I really enjoy it.”

Having an experienced provider can help you get started on your personal wellness journey successfully.

A Trusting Relationship

Ben’s connection with Coach Jamie started with the one initial call. But it continues to grow as he deepens his meditation practice—working with her for longer sessions, which he’s able to do by purchasing more affordable minutes on TaskHuman at the cadence that he prefers.

For Ben, the “rhythm” he has developed with Coach Jamie is because he has been consistent with her.

“We get to know each other,” he says. “I get to know her sessions well. She gets to know me. What works, what doesn’t work.”

Because they know each other, Ben trusts Coach Jamie’s guidance and expertise, which, in turn, pushes him to take his meditation practice further.

TaskHuman partners with providers who have diverse backgrounds and areas of focus, giving users the ability to find experts in all self-care and wellness fields that fit their needs. And TaskHuman takes it further by giving users the freedom to engage with providers of all different backgrounds and locations across the world.

Ben’s Ongoing Goal

Ben chose TaskHuman because he wants to grow his meditation and mindfulness practice. He wants to learn the skills he needs to support his independent practice, and strengthen his skills to use outside of his practice as well. He knew the best way to accomplish this was through 1:1 EN VIVO support.

“My goal is to be more comfortable with meditation and mindfulness in general,” Ben says. “I’m still not where I want to be at it, but I think just by putting into place the habit of having sessions relatively often, It’s gotten me to the right mindset as to what I look for.”

His regular sessions with Coach Jamie give him the foundation he needs to make sure he keeps working toward his goal.

“I do look forward to the sessions as well,” Ben says. “I try my best during the week to be able to do them on my own, albeit with various levels of success doing it on my own. There’s something about having someone that you’re working with regularly at a scheduled time that gives you a certain amount of accountability. And that accountability is quite helpful for me.”

TaskHuman supports long-term goals through providers who meet your needs at every stage of your wellness journey.

The App Experience

When Ben was looking for an app that would support his needs, he knew he wanted one that would be easy to use. He believes he found what he was looking for in TaskHuman.

“I found the app pretty straight-forward and easy to use,” Ben says. “It was intuitive. I was able to find providers quickly. I think overall, it’s a great design. The value that comes from it is quite high for me.”

Ben also enjoys the “bonus” features of using the app, including regular emails spotlighting different providers and wellness topics featured on TaskHuman.

“I do enjoy the emails that you guys send …learning about who else is there and why it makes sense, you know,” he says. 

Ben sees TaskHuman as a partner in his wellness journey. A group of experts he can find and connect with to meet any of his personal-growth needs.

“And just knowing that if I either need to find new providers,” he says, “or I need to have people help me in other journeys, that it’s easy to be able to find that without too much work. That’s quite nice.”

To watch Ben’s full story, click aquí.

If you’re ready to begin your own wellness journey, connect with any of TaskHuman’s providers today to amplify your personal and professional daily well-being!


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