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Cómo Kimberly creó un equipo de bienestar personal

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equipo de bienestar personal

When you surround yourself with positivity, do you feel more energized? Do you feel more motivated when you’re spending time with people who inspire you? They say your vibe attracts your tribe, and Kimberly’s open-mindedness did just that, welcoming positive influences into her inner circle. 

New experiences often give us a friendly (and much-needed) push toward personal growth. For Kimberly, it wasn’t just one little shift. It was an overwhelming phase of immense change that gave her a big shove. 

1. Reclaiming Her Sense of Self

Kimberly was a new mom, living in a new home, and starting a fresh job. Add in medical trauma and challenging postpartum anxiety and she didn’t recognize herself. Craving a way to feel vibrant, healthy, and capable in all of her new roles, she found TaskHuman. And in turn, she began a journey to reclaim her sense of self — with the help of others. 

In tune with her mental and physical needs, Kimberly had already started her search for health and wellness practitioners. But it wasn’t until she discovered TaskHuman through her employer, that she was able to build her wellness taskforce from the ground up. 

After a bit of exploration on the platform, Kimberly was immediately impressed with TaskHuman’s network of experienced coaches — available at her fingertips. 

“It made me feel like healing was possible and to have a team for that was possible. So it wasn’t hard for me to make my first call.” 

2. Building Her Dream Team

Kimberly’s healing journey all started with somatic movement. She was able to practice mind-body connection focusing on the internal feeling associated with the movement, rather than the movement’s external appearance. Her first call was with Rachele Preda, who Kimberly now considers to be solidly in her corner. 

Kimberly also began practicing Tai Chi with Kartikey Shukla; has been working out at her own pace with Juan Picco for postpartum-safe mixed martial arts; and added in Reiki with Amy Glogg, Vanessa Rodríguez Martínezy Ashley Peña to feel more balanced and spiritually connected. She even began workplace leadership coaching to help navigate her new job. 

Lectura relacionada: The Top 5 Wellness Habits Our Coaches Swear By

3. The Game-Changer

Kimberly emphasized that she hadn’t experienced anything like TaskHuman before, where she truly felt like she could be a part of a community, despite being uncertain with so much newness and healing to do.

“As someone who’s picky about who I consider a part of my wellness team, I’m happy with the professionals TaskHuman chooses to work with,” said Kimberly.

Kimberly constantly looked forward to her meetings with her coaches throughout each week because she knew each session would be tailored to her needs (and feelings) that day. She also has been able to see “leaps and bounds” of progress with her dream team of specialists largely due to  TaskHuman’s 1:1 approach. 

“It’s just super impactful…I feel like 1:1 video [LIVE] calls are the game-changer that makes TaskHuman, TaskHuman,” said Kimberly.

Ready to start building your own personal support system to help you reach your goals? TaskHuman coaches are ready for you, and only a few taps away.


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