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6 de mayo de 2022 Lectura en 5 minutos

Los asesores financieros se mueven por las personas

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los asesores financieros se guían por las personas

Sure, TaskHuman financial coaches spend a lot of their time talking about money, but it’s not money that motivates them. It’s people. They love helping people gain clarity about their finances and possible fiscal opportunities. Here are three areas where they find motivation:

1. Clearing Up Uncertainty

There is a certain mystery we tend to put around finances. We can feel awkward and intrusive asking people to explain how they handle their money and investments. And while teaching yourself is possible, it isn’t always easy. 

The terms, concepts, and strategies are often best learned with a guide. For Coach Suzanne Marsh, being that guide is what motivates her to work with her users. She loves helping them go from uncertainty to “I get this:” 

Helping people become more confident with their money and ready for life situations is only one reason TaskHuman coaches love their work. They also love helping people define what their goals actually are, so they know how to go after them.

2. Clearing Up Goals

Setting goals is an important part of managing money. You also need to know what you want in your future in order to create a path to get there. But for some people, determining what they want is the hardest part. 

For Coach Carly Cummings, helping users understand their options and helping them get clear on their goals spurs her motivation. But it goes further for her. She doesn’t want to just help them reach the destination, she wants to help them enjoy the journey too: 

Seeing people stick with their financial journey is inspiring, but the coaches also love seeing those dreams come true.

3. Celebrating Successes

There may not be anything more fulfilling than seeing someone better understand their money. From starting with their initial uncertainty, going through their understanding and growth, and finding a positive end result, the path is one that never gets old.

Entrenador Arushi Srivastav loves seeing the change in users’ mindsets as they shift from being unsure and hesitant about their finances to fully confident they can use their money as a powerful tool. 

Teaching others how to use their money confidently and for their unique situations and goals drives the coaches. They love knowing they’ve helped people create better futures for themselves and their families by teaching them how to understand and use their finances.

If you’re ready to learn how to make your money work better for you, or you want advice on how to reach your financial goals, set up a 1:1 coaching session. 


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