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TaskHuman Talks: The Benefits Of Spiritual Exploration

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No matter your faith or spiritual identity, everyone deserves the opportunity to explore and understand their beliefs. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll y LaToya McLean discuss why spiritual wellness is important to tend to and the best ways to focus on it. 

LaToya and Jamie’s conversation covers many topics, including the pandemic, end-of-life care, and supporting different views within a family. While the podcast episode is wide-ranging, the focal point comes back to two central ideas:

  • Spirituality is personal.
  • You need to stay authentic to yourself.

Here are some of the main takeaways from the conversation:

1. Theology is contextual

LaToya believes you need to first determine what the ideas of “holy” and “divine” mean to you. Once you understand your core beliefs, it’s easier to understand how your upbringing plays a role.

She also believes “theology is contextual.” That means as we grow and learn, we are exposed to new people and different beliefs. Those ideas help us see what we believe through a new lens and give us clarity. It’s important to check to be sure you’re remaining authentic to yourself. You need to know that what you are practicing is in alignment with your core beliefs.

“What is authentic to what you believe?” LaToya asks.



2. Honor is a large part of spirituality

LaToya has evolved in her own spiritual journey, part of which includes a slightly different view of the Bible than she had as a child. Even though her view on it has changed, she still strongly believes it is a sacred text and says it’s important to note other sacred texts too, like the Quran.

“We want to honor those and not trample on their beliefs and sacred material,” she says.

It’s not that you can’t disagree with someone, but how you show that disagreement is with honor – or dishonor. It’s important to support your own faith and respect for others practicing theirs.

“I love God,” LaToya says. “And I love people. And I believe that is a part of living out my faith.”

For LaToya, honor also comes with how you view people who aren’t practicing spirituality. In her experience, some churches or religions “write people off” because of their social group. She cautions this approach because in her work as a hospital chaplain, she has seen proof of the Divine in them.

“God tends to show up,” LaToya says. “The Holy Spirit tends to show up when people are in crisis.”


Lectura relacionada: Human Connection Is Divine: Spiritual Coach Robyn Augusta


3. Care for your family through preparation

In her chaplain work at a Level II trauma center, LaToya often cares for people whose loved ones are on life-support for injuries. Unfortunately, pain for family and loved ones can be compounded because they now need to make life decisions while in the midst of grief.

LaToya believes a Healthcare Power of Attorney or Living Will are important ways to support your family if something should happen to you. It lets them know what you would want and can relieve their burden.

End-of-life decisions are extremely difficult, LaToya reminds us. “They feel they are ending this person’s life like it is a crime,” she says. “Most of the time, life-support is literally that.”

By preparing ahead of time, you can make it easier for your family to support you.



4. Grief isn’t only for death

We can grieve the loss of many things, including a job or even a routine. To move through grief, the first action is to acknowledge the loss. Naming what you feel is necessary and should be supported.

“Expressing my feelings doesn’t make me weak, too vulnerable,” LaToya says. “But it does make me human.”

Once you name your feelings, it can be helpful to start thinking about the future in small ways. It can be journaling, meditation, or prayer. Whatever helps you.



5. Allow people to express spirituality individually

If you are living with, or close to, someone who has different spiritual views, it can be tempting to try to convince them they are wrong, and you are right.

LaToya encourages letting them practice and live their spirituality their own way.

It’s also important to recognize that because this topic has the possibility of becoming contentious, you need to keep harmony in mind. You may need to work toward a “happy medium.”

You do that by recognizing your family member or friend has their own background and stories, and you need to respect that.

“Who are we to infringe on people practicing their spirituality?” LaToya asks.



6. Gratitude is a foundation of the spirit

If you’re not sure about your own spirituality, LaToya recommends beginning with gratitude. For her, it lets you spark the part of your brain and soul that will tell you what your beliefs are.

It can also help you connect with and look for ways to support others. When you are grateful, you want to share your blessings.

LaToya encourages you to think about what you could do to help at least one person each day. It doesn’t need to be big, but it should be heartfelt. By putting love into the world, you are honoring yourself and whatever spiritual tenets you hold.

“Giving is the gift that keeps on giving,” LaToya says.



Conecte directamente con Coach LaToya to explore your own spiritual beliefs further and/or to navigate grief. You can also engage with the full podcast aquí

“Grace. Peace. Blessings.” – LaToya McLean


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Updated December 2024

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