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julio 13, 2021

3 Ways to Know You’re Stuck In Your Comfort Zone


We have comfort zones for a reason—they help keep us safe by preventing us from taking big risks that could backfire. For our ancestors, those big risks were external—things we now consider basic like finding food and staying alive. Now, those risks might include things like moving to a new city to chase a dream job. So, while our comfort zones can help protect us, they can also prevent us from growing, especially if we get stuck in them.

TaskHuman coaches work to help their clients move out of their comfort zones and level up their wellness. Here are the 3 main ways to know you’re stuck in your comfort zone—and how to start making changes.

1. Things Feel Repetitive

At the beginning of learning something new, every small part of the process feels different. Think about when you were learning to drive. You had to remember each small step of the process and it took lots of practice.

Now, you likely drive so automatically that you don’t even think twice about it.

TaskHuman coaches often share similar challenges with adopting new well-being and lifestyle shifts. The actions you take on a regular basis start to become repetitive and oftentimes, no longer fill your spirit. The key is to find inspiration without feeling scattered or distracted.

Escuchar como entrenador Rebecca Arsena explica:

2. Things Feel Stagnant

While repetitive tasks and work can become monotonous, it’s important to remember that you’re not going to love all of the work you need to do to see progress. And when we don’t see progress or reach goals because we aren’t pushed by anything new; we simply feel stuck. Sometimes the work is about repetition, practice, and pushing through your comfort zone to achieve new progress. 

Escuchar como entrenador Sasha Williams explica:

Not seeing progress toward your goals is one way of knowing you’ve spent too much time in your comfort zone, and something needs to change.

Entrenador Reita Johnston explica:

3. You’re Dissatisfied

When we become complacent in our lives, feelings of discontent can grow. To stop the negative emotions about our lives, we need to change some part of it. The changes don’t need to be big—even learning a new skill or revisiting an old hobby work. Anything that forces us to reactivate our brains and our attention can reignite our passionate spark.

Sometimes the complaining goes a little further, and we find ourselves in a semi-constant emotional funk. We know things aren’t bad, and yet, we feel our personalities and vibrancy are a little dimmed.

For some people, this could make them feel trapped or stifled.

Escuchar como entrenador Suncica Vukcevic explica:

Being stuck in your comfort zone, ironically, is often uncomfortable. Our energy is drained and we feel like we’re not using our passions. But knowing you are stuck there is the first step toward making the needed changes.

To push through your comfort zone, you need to keep bringing small changes and challenges into your everyday life.

Related Reading: 4 Ways To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Entrenador Manoj Kunnath Unnikrishnan explica:

If you’re ready to break out of your comfort zone and step into a new and improved version of yourself, TaskHuman Coaches are here to help. Bonus: their expertise spans all pillars of wellness—from yoga to self-acceptance to parenting. And no matter the area you want to focus on or what your goals are, you’ll be sure to find a coach who can help you get there.

Take the first step in getting yourself out of your comfort zone by booking a call with a TaskHuman Coach today!


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