Motivate People To Amplify Their Work & Professional Lives
Join the revolution and be a part of a unique, borderless community focused on serving users – wherever they are – to be their best selves.

Where Personal Freedom Meets Community
Why become a TaskHuman Specialist?
Focus on what you do best – your craft. We’ll take care of the rest.
Meet potential customers looking to improve their work and personal lives.
Make your own schedule – every week is what you want it to be.
Build your digital user base working from anywhere- the beach, the mountains, and beyond.
Use your passion for helping others as a catalyst for your professional growth.
Learn, grow, and engage with passionate community members across the globe

Convenience In Your Pocket
Personable And Helpful From Your Phone
Bridge the gap to a global community of users looking to amplify their personal and work lives with personalized 1:1 video calls. TaskHuman offers you the technology to connect to members instantly at a time, place and schedule that works best for you!

The Community
We Are Bringing Back Human Connections
Our app and technology is not just about helping users thrive, it’s about helping people reconnect. TaskHuman amplifies everyone on the platform. We are here for you to build connections to users as well as the community of TaskHuman specialists. Enjoy a bevy of resources to help you stay connected, amplify your skills, all while doing what you love.
Historias de vida ampliadas
Sólo quiero deciros lo contenta que estoy de haber conseguido TaskHuman. Yo era bastante escéptico al principio, pero la mujer que he estado haciendo reiki una vez a la semana con es tan maravilloso y realmente ha mejorado mucho para mí. Estoy muy agradecida de que lo encontraras.

Jan me ha estado ayudando a desarrollar más resiliencia emocional. Nos llamamos una o dos veces por semana, y a veces hacemos ejercicios de autoevaluación. Convertir la autorreflexión en un hábito me ha ayudado a profundizar en los porqués y los cómos de mis propias acciones y las de los demás. Además, me entero de lo que pasa en Letonia.

Rachel es una instructora increíble. Con su experiencia profesional, está muy atenta a los detalles en la corrección de las posturas y el movimiento del cuerpo. Aunque se trata de clases virtuales, casi me siento como si estuviera delante de mí guiándome de cerca. Aprecio tanto sus ánimos como sus correcciones constructivas.

Join the Revolution
Do what you love while benefiting from a stream of new consumers ready to talk to you now!