October 9, 2024 2 Min Read
TaskHuman Talks: What We Can Learn From Selling

“You create your habits and your habits create you.”
Sales is the most fascinating role there is, according to Bob Bogaard. In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll and Bob Bogaard explore what success means for sales roles in today’s context. From a business perspective, it’s increasingly important to be clear on priorities and goals, while from a well-being perspective, it’s critical to prioritize work-life integration. Learn more in the interview clips below.
What Does “Selling” Mean?
According to Coach Bob, “everybody is in sales.” Whether you’re in finance, a technology role, or a coach, you’re always selling something (a plan, a project, a belief, etc.) In fact, almost half of the clients Bob connects with through TaskHuman are not currently in sales roles.
Moving Beyond The Bonus
Selling and sales go beyond pushing a specific product – successful selling is all about helping your clients achieve their goals. It’s important to genuinely care about customers to find lasting success in the sales world.
Preventing Burnout In Sales
If you’re in a sales role, it’s critical to connect to your why and purpose beyond a specific desired outcome. Coach Bob estimates that approximately 70% of people in sales are experiencing burnout as stress levels continue to increase. As a result, work-life integration and a holistic approach to work and income are key to a sustainable career in sales.
Curious to learn more? Connect directly with Coach Bob to find a balanced approach to helping your clients succeed while prioritizing joy and fun!
Engage with the full podcast recording below: