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ديسمبر 1, 2023

  • الصورة المميزة

Ask a Coach: How Can I Say ‘No’ to Yet Another Holiday Invite?

Emotional intelligence Coach Ruth Dollinger empowers you to set boundaries for your schedule and say ‘No’ to the things that aren’t serving you this season.     Dear Coach,  Let me preface this by saying that… اقرأ المزيد


نوفمبر 9, 2022

  • الصورة المميزة

7 Tips For Awkward Family Conversations This Thanksgiving

Picture this: you’ve just sat down at the Thanksgiving table. You’re bursting with joy ready to dig into your stuffing, mashed potatoes, and turkey (or tofurkey, if that’s your thing). You bring the fork to… اقرأ المزيد

النمو الشخصي
marija farmer dances with dualities to help you improve communication

مايو 27, 2022

  • الصورة المميزة

ماريا فارمر "ترقص مع الثنائيات" لمساعدتك على تحسين التواصل

A trained psychologist and a theater professional: these are two professions that may seem like opposites of each other. But for Coach Marija Farmer, the duality of who she is helps her show businesses how… اقرأ المزيد

مقدمو خدمات TaskHuman

ديسمبر 7, 2021

  • الصورة المميزة

Why Parenting Yourself Is the First Step In Good Parenting

TaskHuman Coach Rekha Vaghela helps people become more balanced, present, and supportive parents by guiding them through her basic principles of better parenting. She outlined her beliefs and strategies in a recent episode of the… اقرأ المزيد

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