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تطوير عادات صحية
pink smoothie with almonds cherries and kale

مارس 30, 2023

  • الصورة المميزة

Five Mindset Hacks to Build a Better Version of Yourself

Ready to make a change but not sure where to start? Whether it’s losing weight, completing a triathlon or kicking a bad habit, true transformation requires not only a physical commitment but mental resolve. Willpower… اقرأ المزيد

تطوير عادات صحية

فبراير 4, 2021

Save Time With These Meal Prep Strategies

Meal planning can be a useful strategy to help you stick to your food goals, improve your eating habits, and save time. An added benefit of meal preparation? People who meal prep tend to eat… اقرأ المزيد

الأكل الصحي واختيارات الطعام
Kelly Podcast blog cover

نوفمبر 9, 2020

Kelly Hawk Advocates for Small Changes

In this TaskHuman Talks Podcast episode, coaches Jamie Carroll and Kelly Hawk discuss how to make small lifestyle changes with a lasting impact. As a health and fitness professional, Kelly has years of experience in this… اقرأ المزيد

أكل نظيف

فبراير 3, 2020

Easy and Practical Ways to Eat Clean

“Eating healthy is expensive.” “It’s too much work and I don’t have the time.” Sound familiar? You’re not alone! It’s common to feel overwhelmed when it comes to eating wholesome and clean food, both financially… اقرأ المزيد

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