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Happy young millennial colleagues having virtual talk

مايو 30, 2024

Feeling Run Down? Try One of These 4 Things

Feelings of burnout can happen to anyone. Our jobs, relationships, and other responsibilities are reasons we stop practicing self-care, which can lead to feelings of apathy. But there are simple ways you can bring interest… اقرأ المزيد

ثقافة مكان العمل والإنتاجية
Holiday blog posts

ديسمبر 22, 2022

  • الصورة المميزة

Avoid Employee Burnout with EOY Connection

That end-of-year rush is officially upon us. The time when December deadlines, performance reviews, and celebrations swirl together in a perfect storm of tons of work and lots of play.  As a leader, you’ve got… اقرأ المزيد

الصحة العقلية

نوفمبر 18, 2021

  • الصورة المميزة
  • الصورة المميزة
  • الصورة المميزة

Why You Should Cultivate Gratitude Everyday

We can transform our thinking from one of scarcity and negativity to one of abundance and positivity with just a few minutes of gratitude practice. When we practice gratitude, we develop patience, well-being, and even… اقرأ المزيد

الصحة العقلية
burnout prevention blog cover

مايو 19, 2021

4 Signs That You’re Heading Toward Burnout

Modern society has conditioned many of us to have a “go, go, go” mentality. We push ourselves through our days and don’t stop to rest. With this lifestyle, it’s no surprise that we can find… اقرأ المزيد

مقدمو خدمات TaskHuman
Tiffany Albury Blog Header

أكتوبر 8, 2020

Why Coach Tiffany Albury is Done With Burnout

TaskHuman coach, Tiffany Albury, has worked in the medical field her entire career. At one point, she considered becoming a doctor. While helping people is her passion, she realized she didn’t want to focus on… اقرأ المزيد

أيقونة TaskHuman

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