مارس 1, 2023 5 دقائق للقراءة
Purdue ECE Mentorship: Your Complete Guide

Mentoring Overview
Purdue College of Engineering has partnered with TaskHuman to connect you with mentors that are here to be a source of support when you need it the most! Your Purdue mentor network includes industry professionals and current students. Our goal is to introduce you to a mentor that will make a long-term impact on you. Together with your mentor, you can build a path toward academic, professional, and personal success.
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The first thing to know is that you have free, unlimited access to TaskHuman. This means that our network of Purdue mentors and well-being coaches are accessible to you through our app! Note that we give you the flexibility to access coaches in a way that works for you. You have the option to schedule sessions in advance or, if your mentor is online, you can make your call instantly!
Most important, these sessions are a private, safe space. We understand that to achieve the most success, you must achieve total honesty. Our mentors and coaches strive to create an environment where you can bring your authentic self to every call. With this in mind, don’t be afraid to communicate your needs. For example, if video calls make you uncomfortable, you can always opt to carry out an audio-only session.
The Benefits Of Mentoring
Your mentors are here, first and foremost, to help أنت succeed! With this in mind, leverage their expertise to keep you accountable, provide motivation, speak to Purdue-specific topics, and overall give you an experience that brings you joy.
Some people say that success if a team sport. If you peek behind the curtain of successful leaders, athletes, entrepreneurs, and others, there is a mentor who helped guide them. A mentor can be your confidant, a listening ear, and someone who genuinely seeks to understand أنت. Eventually, once you’ve built a strong foundation, your mentor will know what inspires you, what your strengths are, and other details that will drive a meaningful connection and more effective partnership.
Getting Started
Undoubtedly, the more prepared you are, the more effectively your mentor can help you. We encourage you to reflect on your current goals, big or small. While you ponder, think about the following questions: What are my objectives? Do I want to focus on my academic life? Professional development? What kind of mentorship style would work for me?
To give you a few ideas of some initial topics to start with a mentor on, read through the examples below:
- Get hired for an internship or co-op
- Build out an effective LinkedIn profile
- Make new friends on campus
- Develop my interviewing skills
- Make it on the dean’s list
- Choose an engineering path that aligns with my interests
In the event that you aren’t sure where to start, reach out to our in-app Concierge (access from the top left corner of the app) to ask for mentor recommendations or a good starter topic.
Pairing Up With A Mentor
Finally, there’s no better time than the present to book a first call with a mentor! As a reminder, the mentors include a variety of Purdue ECE faculty, alumni, and grad students. Not only do you share the love of the same campus, but your mentors have personal insight regarding the same questions you’ll be asking yourself throughout your time at Purdue University.
You will notice that mentor profiles showcase the topics that they specialize in. What is as equally important as mentor specialties is reflecting on the kind of relationship you want with your mentor. Do you want a mentor who will challenge you to venture out of your comfort zone? A cheerleader who will help you build more self-esteem and confidence in your abilities? Or perhaps someone who can provide insights from their own experience as a veteran in the field?
To clarify, you are not limited to one mentor. The network of mentors have a variety of knowledge and expertise, so it makes sense that you may need mentors for different areas of your life. Ready to get started? Check out the highlighted mentors below to see if any of them sound like a good fit! Whenever you have questions, feel free to kick off a conversation via the chat on the mentor’s profile page.
Get Started With Our Trending Mentorship Topics
Check out the most popular mentorship topics among your peers.
اختيار الدورة
Choose courses that help you to achieve both your academic and extracurricular goals. Develop a long-term academic strategy to finish your degree in the most effective way possible.
تخطيط الدراسات العليا
Develop a strategy for applying to graduate school and maximize your chances of getting accepted to competitive programs.
متابعة البحوث الجامعية
Take actionable steps to plan, strategize, and develop your research project. Hone in on your topic, brainstorm ideas, and pave a clear path to enlightening discovery.
إعداد المقابلة
Walk into an interview with more confidence after practicing responding to questions, refining your interview etiquette, and enhancing your communication skills.
التوجيه المهني
Gain insights to navigate your career and create a plan to achieve your career goals.
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