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أبريل 17, 2020

How to Boost Normalcy During COVID-19


COVID-19 has fundamentally altered the way we live our lives. And, as the pandemic continues to spread, it’s important to resist cycles of despair and despondency in order to continue living happy, full lives.

A simple way to do that is to find “normalcy” in your new, temporary, life.

But how do you find normalcy when you’re separated from so many people you love, and are with other people you love 24/7?

TaskHuman coaches have found 4 main strategies to support your mental health and give you a new sense of normalcy during this confusing time. And they are simple enough to incorporate into your daily life today.

1. Maintain helpful, regular routines.

Even the word “routine” sends signals of normalcy to your brain.

By using this time to reinforce positive routines, you are allowing your prefrontal cortex to be in control. The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain that makes planned, thoughtful decisions. So listening to it – and following through when you make a plan – is tapping into your calm, rational self.

استمع كمدرب Jackie Van Der Velde explains how keeping her routine helps her.

Need help creating a schedule? We can help

2. Actively practice stress management.

Before the pandemic struck, most of us weren’t in constant states of overwhelm and stress.

Yes, we had moments of negativity. But for the most part, our lives were – normal.

Now that we are creating new systems, our sense of overwhelm can be much stronger. We need to actively manage those feelings in order to allow our brains to rest and reset.

مدرب Heidi Maher explains how she controls her stress levels.

As Heidi says, using our free time wisely is critical to feeling less stress.

3. Take time for self-care.

Self-care Sunday is a movement.

But it shouldn’t be. Real self-care isn’t something you “get to” once a week. Self-care should be an integral part of your every day.

It’s not that you should take spa-baths every night (but if you want to, go for it!), but you should make sure you’re tuning into what your body and spirit need.

If stress-management supports your mental health, think of self-care as supporting your emotional health. 

مدرب Laura Bollinger explains it well.

Compassion for yourself and others will go a long way toward helping you navigate your new normal.

4. Stay connected.

Social media may have been a hobby or diversion before.

Now it is a critical means of connecting with loved ones.

Those connections are critical to feeling normal when you can’t be with them physically.

Reaching out to people you know isn’t the only way to connect. You can also build your own community when you need.

استمع كمدرب جيمي كارول explains her approach.

Communities form around many ideals. Choose positive groups to associate with in order to improve your quality of life and sense of normalcy.

The 4 strategies will help you find the balance of normalcy you may be looking for.

But here’s a bonus idea:

5. See the non-normalcy as embracing the new.

For many, life and structures just won’t feel normal for a while.

Maybe that’s OK.

If working to feel “normal” is causing you stress, it could be time to abandon the idea for something else.

مدرب Clarissa Pyles has adopted the idea of embracing “new.” Listen as she explains:

With any of the strategies you choose to implement, know that TaskHuman Coaches are here for you. We want you to be healthy and happy in all the areas of your life you can control. And we want to help you learn to let go of the things you can’t.

Tons of TaskHuman coaches are available for 1:1 live video calls to help you manage your stress and solidify a routine during this uncertain time. Make a call today!

Stay well. 

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