مايو 11, 2020
3 Ways COVID-19 Will Change Society for the Better

“It may not seem like it, but the pandemic will wane and bring change to society, including strict social regulations.
But what will be the biggest changes when life does shift away from “social distancing” and “shelter-in-place” and move toward more traditional boundaries?
TaskHuman coaches outline the 3 most significant (positive!) changes they think we’ll see.
1. The positive uses for tech are undeniable.
Our inability to connect physically with people has pushed communication technologies front and center.
And they’ve come through.
Yes, there have been “bumps in the road,” but schools have resumed instruction, doctors can safely see patients, and loved-ones can connect for small and large milestones.
مدرب Hally Paulson explains her view on the subject:
Technology is critical to our wellbeing, but it also can help us feel more appreciative for what we have.
That gratitude (for the technology and all our blessings) is a change Coach جيمي كارول hopes we keep:
When we see the positives of technology, and control our use of it to serve us, it becomes a powerful tool for connection and إنتاجية.
2. People will be more aware of their impact.
From “flattening the curve” to pictures of the Venice canals with clean water, people are realizing that we do change our world.
The key is holding on to those things that change it for the better.
استمع كمدرب ليزيت كاباليرو explains how powerful a simpler life can be:
It’s not just a simple life that can make positive changes.
We can see those connections in many different areas of our lives.
مدرب Heidi Maher explains what she thinks more mindfulness will bring:
Maybe being more aware of our connections is the biggest realization to come from the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. People will re-prioritize what is important.
Being isolated – whether it is as a single person or a family of six – has caused us to rethink the things (and maybe people) in our lives that are worth returning to.
But hopefully, when we do return to them, it will be with intention.
مدرب Andrea Caprio talks about learning to keep our social contacts:
If you want to go even deeper, the forced slowdown could allow us to reflect on our personal impact on those around us.
We all want to be a positive force. Now we can take the time to work on our energy and truly embrace that idea.
استمع كمدرب Carol Piro explains the possibilities:
While the outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic are not certain, it is likely that there will be significant long-term changes to our society.
We have the opportunity to push those changes to the positive by being intentional about our mindsets, impact, and consumption.
If you want to contact a coach to support your journey and help you embrace these positive changes, reach out today.”