فبراير 18, 2022
Assimilation Done Right

New high-growth companies can sometimes overlook the importance of assimilation as an intentional process. A lot of entrepreneurs come from a “no boundaries” kind of mindset and the thought of intentionally curving employees into a shared way of being seems to run counter to the free-thinking culture they’re directly or indirectly cultivating.
But even a workplace culture of “free-thinking and self-guided” progress is going to break down if the size of the company grows beyond about 12. And once you hit 50 employees, assimilation becomes a critical part of a company’s success. Some of the highest-performing corporations like GE, Google, Zoom, Adidas, and Hubspot are known for their immersive corporate cultures.
TaskHuman can support healthy and beneficial assimilation for new hires in a process that even the most footloose entrepreneurs can get behind. Here’s how.
TaskHuman supports corporate assimilation in a more organic approach that lets the employee be the guide. Instead of mandating a set of top-down expectations or on the other end of the spectrum, negating assimilation altogether, TaskHuman offers a buffet of topics that attract new hires by their individual needs. It’s still the responsibility of the company to effectively communicate the mission and vision of the company (TaskHuman can help CEOs with that, too.) New employees can make use of the TaskHuman platform to fully understand what your mission and vision mean to them as a member of your team.
Support Self-discovery As A Precursor for Belonging
TaskHuman coaches can help new employees explore and maximize their individual identity, and then be able to articulate it in a productive group setting. This type of support for the individual person beyond their status as an employee is a big factor that job seekers consider when evaluating which position to accept. Imperative’s global survey of 26,000 LinkedIn members found that 74% of job candidates want a sense of purpose at work.
Yet, many millennials are arriving at the workplace still deep in search of who they are and what matters to them. Generations of employees that are coming into the workforce now have often led different lives than previous generations. There’s been increasingly less emphasis on personal exploration during formative years. Your entry-level employees likely spent their youth doing highly planned activities specialized around a handful of interests. Whether it’s safety, resources, or a simple strategy that is influencing the current landscape of human development can be debated. But here’s the key point.
Younger workers gravitate to companies that endorse and celebrate their continued self-exploration. That’s why TaskHuman is popular among entry-level employees across organizations offering TaskHuman to their staff. Employees find coaches and enthusiasts on the TaskHuman platform who are available at convenient times so it’s easy to freely explore a variety of interests, skills, and thought frameworks. Employees in search of identity will gradually discover what they’re passionate about. They’ll better understand what they think and why. Even better, they’ll learn from experts how to articulate what they bring to the table within your organization. Once a new team member fully actualizes their own individuality, assimilating into your company culture becomes a much clearer and more exciting process.
Help New Hires Learn How to Connect
Inevitably, (thanks to COVID-19) connectivity has broken down over 2020 and 2021. But data was already pointing to this trend before the pandemic put the icing on the cake. High-growth companies are focusing more on building connectivity among teams as a competitive advantage and using relationships to manifest strong company culture. One of the biggest ways TaskHuman assists companies in effective assimilation is through relationship-focused, 1:1 employee development.
TaskHuman’s career and leadership coaches talk through organizational aspects of interacting so that new hires at every rank are set up to forge successful relationships and engage productively with their teams. Coaches can work with new hires to both enhance their own communication skills and also to astutely interpret the different communication styles used by coworkers.
Each employee has a different set of experiences and different levels of flexibility when it comes to social adaptation. Your brilliant new software engineer might have the potential to unlock worlds of innovation for the company, but if they’re botching the social interactions with coworkers, a breakdown of morale can start to form for the employee and the group. A coach offers a second pair of eyes to walk any new hire (not just the engineers) through social situations and help them improve on interpreting the different social queues coming from coworkers and managers. This is becoming more and more useful to organizations as the younger generations born after the smartphone enter the workforce.
On the personal level, TaskHuman wellness coaches can help individuals subdue “newcomer” anxiety so that the real person can emerge. A lot of misunderstanding happens due to anxiety-causing behaviors that don’t really represent the employee and can cause a cascade of reactions among teams. Coaches can help new hires to build confidence and give them strategies to move toward fitting in while holding true to their individuality.
Get Intentional About Assimilation
Companies that are leaving corporate assimilation to chance are likely leaving money on the table as well. Disjointed teams move slower and cost more. It’s easy to make TaksHuman a natural part of a dynamite assimilation process without having to create original content or even pull employees off the job. جدولة عرض توضيحي to see how TaskHuman could work for your organization.
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